Dr. Kalpana Kothari

   MBBS, MD (Gynae Oncosurgery)

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Dr. Kalpana Kothari


MBBS, MD (Gynae Oncosurgery)


Robotic Surgery
Gynaecologic Oncology


HCG Cancer Centre - Ahmedabad


  • Dr. Kalpana’s main areas of expertise include robotic surgeries for gynae cancers and conservative treatment for early gynae cancers, along with organ conservation for germ cell tumours of ovaries among young women. 
  • She also specialises in the early detection and prevention of cervical cancers via conservative approaches.
  • She also has vast experience complete cytoreductive surgeries with HIPEC for advanced and recurrent ovarian cancers.
  • Dr. Kalpana attends about 170 cases every year.
Training and Certifications
  • Dr. Kalpana has received advanced training in vulvar colposcopy and surgeries for vulvar malignancies from Royal Hospital for Women, Sydney, Australia.
  • She has also received special training on colposcopy & the latest management of pre-invasive & invasive cervical lesions from Hammersmith Hospital, UK.
  • She has received advanced robotic surgery and HIPEC training from reputed institutes.
  • Dr. Kalpana is an active member of the Indian Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Association of Gynaecologists of India and Life member of Gynaec Oncology Association of India.
  • She has conducted more than 50 camps in the rural areas of Gujarat in connection with Gujarat Cancer Research Institute which is a premier oncology institute of Gujarat.

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