Robotic Surgery

Robotic surgery is a new-age surgical approach that supports efficient cancer management. Robotic surgeries help surgeons in performing complex surgical procedures with superior precision, enhanced flexibility and better control.

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Robotic surgery is a new-age surgical approach that supports efficient cancer management. Robotic surgeries help surgeons in performing complex surgical procedures with superior precision, enhanced flexibility and better control, which is not always the case with traditional surgical procedures. As a minimally-invasive procedure, robotic surgery comes with numerous advantages such as shorter hospital stays, reduced blood loss, faster recovery, a very good quality of life, etc.

Robotic surgeries, which are performed using tiny incisions, also involve 3D imaging to help doctors control the robotic arms while sitting at the console. The robotic arms are inserted into the tiny incisions.

These robotic arms work with an intuitive EndoWrist technology that allows intricate arm movements, which is not the case with human hands. These robotic arms are controlled by the surgeon and movements are made based on the highly detailed, magnified images captured by the camera fixed onto one of the robotic arms. These robotic arms reach the remote parts of the body that are usually inaccessible with conventional approaches.

At HCG, we have a dedicated team of robotic surgeons who are experienced in the management of colorectal cancers, endometrial cancers, stomach cancers, esophageal cancers and many more through robotic surgery with excellent clinical outcomes.

How is Robotic Surgery Performed?

Before the surgery, the surgeon makes incisions to insert the robotic arms. For the major portion of the surgery, the surgeon will be sitting at a special console from where he/she can control the movements of the robotic arm that carry the surgical equipment and a camera. The camera captures 3D images of the operation site and feeds them to the computer, which can be seen by the surgeon as he/she operates.

HCG houses the advanced da Vinci Robotic Surgical System, which has four interactive robotic arms – of the four, three hold the surgical tools, and the fourth arm carries a 3D camera.

The high-definition vision and 10X magnification help surgeons reach inaccessible regions in the body and operate the tumour successfully.

There will also be another surgeon at the site, who will ensure that the patient is positioned properly and the robotic arms are functioning as they should be.


Some of the main advantages of robotic surgeries are:

  • Better quality clinical outcomes
  • Reduced risk of surgical complications
  • Reduced blood loss and lesser pain
  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Minimal scarring due to smaller incisions
  • Overall reduced discomfort and better quality of life

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is robotic surgery better than open surgery?

Although robotic surgeries are far more advantageous than open surgeries, some cancers will still require open surgeries, and your treating doctor is the best person to decide that. Various factors such as the type of cancer, stage of the tumour, size, location and the patient’s overall condition are considered before recommending surgery or any other treatment.

In some cases, robotic surgery may be a better option and, in some cases, open surgery could lead to better outcomes. If you want to know if robotic surgery is a better option for your condition, you can talk to your doctor, who will let you know if that is possible.

2. How long should I stay in the hospital after the robotic surgery?

Since it is a minimally-invasive surgery, there is no long hospital stay involved. You may be asked to stay for a day or two for observation, and after that, you may get discharged, unless your treating doctor says otherwise.

3. Does the robotic surgery system operate by itself?

No, there will be a surgeon who will be controlling the robotic arm sitting at the console. The robotic arms work just like a surgeon’s hands – only with additional precision and enhanced ability to reach the inaccessible regions and operate the tumours efficiently.

4. Are robotic surgeries safe?

Yes, robotic surgeries are clinically proven to be safe. There will be a team of doctors during the surgery to ensure that the patient is in the right position, the robotic arms are functioning properly, the tumour is operated efficiently and most importantly the patient is safe. You need not worry about your safety. However, if you still have any concerns, it is always better to discuss them with your doctor, who will be able to provide the right information that will help you make the best decision.

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