Virtual Consultation

HCG now makes consultations simpler and quicker for the patients through HCG Virtual OPD.

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HCG Virtual OPD


HCG now makes consultations simpler and quicker for the patients through HCG Virtual OPD. Through HCG Virtual OPD, patients can consult our cancer experts virtually from the comfort of their home.

Patients can register for virtual/ online consultations either by giving us a call or by filling a registration form on our website.

A virtual consultation helps if:

  • The patient is unable to travel to the hospital for various reasons
  • The patient is looking for a follow-up appointment

Advantages of Virtual Consultation

A virtual consultation could help patients in numerous ways:

  • Improved Accessibility to Quality Cancer Care
  • Enhanced Patient-Doctor Engagement
  • Comfort and Convenience for Patients and Caregivers
  • Reduced Risk of Infections for Patients
  • Saves Your Time and Travelling Expenses
  • Improved Security and Privacy

Booking for a Virtual Consultation with HCG’s Specialists

You can fix an appointment for a virtual consultation with our specialists either by giving us a call or through website registration.

On www.hcgoncology.com , you can see our call centre number to book an appointment over a phone call. We also have a "Video Consultation" option that lets you book for a virtual consultation through website registration.
During the registration, kindly share your name, mobile number, email ID, UHID number (in case of a follow-up appointment).
Our virtual consultation executive gets in touch with you for necessary information such as your medical reports and consultation fee payment. Post payment, he/she confirms the date and time of your consultation with our specialist.
Shortly after, our virtual consultation executive will create a meeting on Microsoft Teams for the scheduled consultation and right before the appointment, he/she will guide you on how to join the meeting.

Payment for Online Consultation:

  • You will be asked to make the payment before the appointment confirmation.
  • You can make the payment via QR code, UPI Transfer or Bank Transfer
  • Our executive will share the QR code/ UPI ID/ Bank Details via WhatsApp, and you will be requested to initiate the payment accordingly.
  • Once the payment is confirmed, our executive will give you a call to schedule your appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions on Virtual Consultation

Yes, you will not be meeting the doctor in-person during a virtual consultation. However, you need not worry as your consulting doctor carefully goes through your medical information and asks enough questions before suggesting any form of intervention.

Please note that these remote consultations are meant to ensure the continuum of care and efficient health monitoring between your hospital visits. With the help of previous health records, doctors can provide helpful clinical solutions to the patients. Nevertheless, if the doctor thinks that they have to meet you in person or additional tests are required, you will be informed accordingly.

Our virtual consultation executives will get in touch with you almost immediately after you fill in the form or talk to our call centre executives. The entire process of registration and appointment confirmation takes up to 1-2 business days.

Our virtual consultation executive will request you to share your medical reports after the payment. You can share them via email or WhatsApp. In the case of website registration, you can upload your reports on the website, and our executives will be accessing them from your submitted registration form.

For better interaction, we recommend you to have all your questions jotted down before the session starts.

Also, please ensure that your internet connection is good. With a poor internet connection, it would be difficult for you to join the meeting or discuss your condition with our specialist. You can join Teams Meeting via computer or phone. Before the meeting, our executive will properly guide you on the necessary steps you should be following during your virtual consultation session.

Register Here For A Virtual OPD Appointment